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The Key to Head Over Eels

This is one of three pieces whose punny title came to me during the gloomy days of winter. My brain gets fried with all the holiday hoopla and as my son said “I cannot … uhm.. word…” In such cases, the art god/dess sends tidbits to tide me over til the marbles in my head stopped rattling. So, I initially attributed the objects in this painting to be a jumble of nonsense and was delightfully surprised to discover their interconnectedness. Use the key below, and you’ll see that the great cosmic consciousness once again laid out some insightful iconography for us to ponder.

I mighta called this one Head Over Feels but I didn’t understand what it was telling me until after it was painted.

The Iconography of Head Over Eels

Banner - Often used as a means of communicating motivational content, a call to action, or as declaration of accomplishment

Cabbage - Traditionally in China, the white napa cabbage is a symbol of prosperity and it is believed that a green cabbage represents obstacles to success.

Four Electric Eels - Representing sudden changes or unaddressed issues, here they depict distractions from tasks necessary for prosperity. In China, four is considered an unlucky number.

Wall of Hearts - Representing the life to which we aspire.

You can read my interpretation of this painting HERE.